Meet The Creator of The Talent Journey™

Ready to transform your dreams into reality and carve out a fulfilling life?

Meet Greg, an exceptional talent acquisition specialist renowned for placing top-tier talent in Fortune 500 and SMB companies.

Greg’s brainchild, The Talent Journey: Manifest Your Life Vision©, is more than just a program – it’s a transformative experience. It empowers you to take control of your career path, align it with your life vision, and fast-track your journey to success.

Greg’s success story, shaped by a stellar career at IBM, is marked by 13 sales awards in 10 years and recognition as the “best in the field” by IBM Executive Briefing Center management for producing executive customer briefings. How does this relate to job seekers?

It’s about understanding client needs, empathizing, and charting a path to success – a simple yet powerful equation.

Beyond IBM, Greg has amassed awards and accolades in the staffing industry, but his true passion is helping others navigate career uncertainties.

The Talent Journey™ is Greg’s roadmap, born from his 360° view of the talent acquisition marketplace. As someone who has seen it all in staffing, from sales to recruiting, as a hiring manager and a candidate, he knows what it takes to grab a hiring manager’s attention!

Greg’s program isn’t about hopping from job to job. It is about finding a career that aligns with your vision for life. During his comprehensive sabbatical, Greg developed a proactive approach with over 30 value conveyance tools (more than just a resume and LinkedIn profile) to ensure you stand out to recruiters and hiring managers. It’s a comprehensive toolkit to create a true Differentiator, align your career with your life vision, enhance your market value, and save you years throughout your career.

” At some point in your career, you will ask yourself if you are where you need to be. You are not sure of your next step or how to get there. You have career needs that go unfulfilled, and time is the most precious commodity in your life. Everyone is busy with life, and there isn’t enough time to allow oneself to really ask the right questions or even know which questions to ask! That is why I embarked on this journey: to provide a roadmap for other professionals who struggle with these issues.

In my career, I was not always where I wanted to be, and it took its’ toll. I vowed to find a better path and to share my experiences, problems, and solutions with others who seek a more stress-free and fulfilling life!

I believe The Talent Journey provides the solution! It is the most comprehensive career mapping and market value-enhancing journey you will ever take! “

– Greg Abel, 2024

If you’ve been in your profession for at least five years, wish to sleep better at night, and engage in a fulfilling career and life, then The Talent Journey™ is your ultimate map. Invest in yourself today, differentiate from the competition, and let Greg guide you to new career heights.

Discover your strengths, add value to your market, and turn your dreams into reality with The Talent Journey: Manifest Your Life Vision©.

One can dream forever and, at the end of the road, only regret what went unfulfilled.
Or, one can ACT Now and live with no regrets!

Don’t dream forever – ACT now and live with no regrets.

Start Your Talent Journey Today!